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Generating a growth chart

This article walks you through creating a growth chart in Insight Booster to visualize changes over time.

Written by Öykü Aygül
Updated over 4 months ago

Growth chart allows you to visualize changes in topic volume over time, accessible through the "Growth" section in the “Analyze” view. It provides insights into how topics identified in your data evolve, displaying their volume (x-axis) and growth (y-axis). To use this chart, your dataset must include a date field, ensuring accurate growth calculations across different time periods.

The chart displays the volume of topics along the horizontal axis and their growth on the vertical axis. Each bubble represents a topic identified in your text data. Topics positioned above the breakout level are newly emerged and, therefore, cannot have growth calculations. For example, if the chart is calculating yearly growth from 2022 to 2023, topics that did not exist in 2022 but appeared in 2023 will be shown above the breakout level.

Broadness level: Broadness levels correspond to different zoom levels in the content landscape. There are a total of 5 broadness levels, and you can select the one where you would like to observe growth. Lower broadness corresponds to granular topics whereas higher broadness corresponds to broader topics. For example, broadness 1 displays the most granular topics while broadness 5 displays the most zoomed-out view.

Time period: Select the time period for calculating the growth rate. You can choose from daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually, and biennially based on the available dates in your dataset. Choose "Annual" to compare growth between the two most recent 12-month periods, "Monthly" to see the change between the last two months, and other intervals as needed. Keep in mind that the available time periods depend on the overall duration of your dataset.

Once you click on a bubble, you can read the topic summary and view references by scrolling down. These summaries are the same as those used in the content landscape.

To download the growth chart, click the download icon located in the top left corner.

To publish the growth chart, use the icon to the right of the download icon. Ensure that publishing is enabled from the Insight Booster list before proceeding.

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