Keywords: data selection, shortcuts
To apply operations or filters on a subset of your data, you need to first select the data that you want to use. Though selection conventions are consistent across workbenches, some workbenches offer additional selection options:
Schema workbench: Press and hold the Cmd key on Mac or the Ctrl key if you use Windows while clicking the fields you want to select.
Table View: Press and hold the Cmd/Ctrl key and click cells to add them to the selection. You can also press and hold Shift to select a range of cells. Click a column header to select all cells in that column, including those that have not been loaded into the workbench.
Bubble workbench: Press and hold the Cmd/Ctrl key while clicking on bubbles to add them to the selection. To select all bubbles inside an area, hold down the Alt key, click, drag, and click again. Click Cmd/Ctrl A to select all bubbles shown in the view.
Scatter Plot: Dots can be selected in the same way as bubbles in the Bubble View, either though Cmd/Ctrl-click to select individual dots or by holding the Alt key while selecting an area. If you're displaying contours, click a contour to select it. Use Cmd/Ctrl-click to add more contours to the selection. Contour selection is equivalent of selecting all the values located inside the contour, even if just a sample of them are displayed as dots in the view.