Keywords: case conversion, uppercase, lowercase, title case, sentence case, kebab-case, snake_case, lowerCamelCase, capitalization
The Change Case operation changes the case of the text. Options include lowercasing, uppercasing, as well as various mixed-case formats. A common use case for the operation is the standardization of casing in order to avoid words with the same spelling but a different case to be treated as separate entities.
1. Open the operation configuration window
Select the text field that you want to apply the operation to in the Schema workbench and click the "Add operation" button at the top of the workspace.
Search for "Change case" or find the operation under "Preprocessing & cleaning" and click it.
2. Set the parameters
Type the output field name under "Output field name" and specify the desired case:
lowercase: Lowercases all letters in the text.
UPPERCASE: Uppercases all letters in the text.
Title Case: Capitalizes the first letter in each word.
Sentence case: Capitalizes the first letter in each sentence.
kebab-case: Lowercases the first letter in each word and replaces spaces with "-"
snake_case: Lowercases the first letter in each word and replaces spaces with "_"
lowerCamelCase: Capitalizes the first letter in each word except the first and removes spaces.
3. Apply the operation
Click "Apply" to run the operation. The case of your text has now been changed to the desired format.